Complete List Of Computer Network Types

Complete List Of Computer Network Types

A computer network is any group of two or more computers connected together.


In a LAN, all of the computers are connected to each other through a common cable. The most common type of LAN is an Ethernet network that uses twisted-pair cabling and 10BASE-T or 100BASE-TX technology. Other types include Token Ring networks, FDDI (fiber optic), ARCNET (ARCnet) and ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode).

LANs can be either small or large depending on how many people use them in your office or building. They are usually confined to a single location like an office building but can also span multiple floors within one building if there’s enough cable length available between floors.


A WAN is a wide area network. It’s used to connect LANs over large distances, and it uses more bandwidth than a LAN.

WANs are slower than LANs because they have to transmit data over long …

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Cyber Security Demystified On A Budget

Cyber Security Demystified On A Budget

Cyber security is a big deal. If you’re not taking the threat seriously, you’re likely to be one of the many companies who’ve fallen victim to a cyber attack. Companies spend millions each year on cyber security, but there are ways that small businesses can protect themselves without spending a lot of money. In this article, we’ll explore some basic principles for protecting your computer as well as ideas for encrypting data and protecting your network from common threats.

The Basics

The Basics

What is cyber security? It’s the act of securing your company’s data and information from hackers, spies, and other cyber threats.

It sounds like an intimidating task–and it is! But you don’t have to be a computer whiz or hire a team of security experts to get started on this journey. Here are some basic principles that will help you get started:

  • Cyber security isn’t just about
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The Best Free Web Hosting Providers For students

The Best Free Web Hosting Providers For students

There are many benefits to having a website. It can be used to share your academic work, establish credibility as a professional in your field, and even help you find jobs and internships. However, building and maintaining a website isn’t always easy—especially for students on a tight budget. Luckily, there are several free web hosting providers available that will allow you to start building websites without having to worry about paying monthly bills or investing in expensive equipment like domain names or web servers. In this post, we’ll take a look at four popular options for students looking for free web hosting: Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive (formerly known as SkyDrive), Dropbox, and Dropcatch.

1. Google Drive

Google Drive is a cloud storage service that comes with 15GB of free storage. You can use this space to store files, images and videos. You can also use it to create websites and …

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Cloud Computing Explained

Cloud Computing Explained

Cloud computing is the future of technology. It’s a way for businesses to store and access their data from anywhere in the world, on any device with an internet connection—but it can be confusing to understand. Let’s take a look at what cloud computing is, how it works, and why it matters to you!

What is cloud computing?

Cloud computing is a way of accessing data and software over the internet. Cloud computing can be used to store and access data, as well as run applications.

Cloud computing has become very popular in recent years because it offers users flexibility and convenience, allowing them to access their data from any location at any time. Additionally, cloud services are very cost-effective compared to traditional methods of storing information in on-premise servers or private clouds (which are located within an organization).

Types of cloud computing

Cloud computing can be divided into three …

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What Is The Best Budget Router?

What Is The Best Budget Router?

If you’re like me, you’ve probably spent hours going through the internet and reading reviews to find the best budget router for your home. There are a lot of options out there, but finding the right one isn’t always easy. This article will help you figure out which budget router will work best for your needs, as well as give some tips on how to get it at a low price so that your wallet doesn’t take too big of a hit!

Which router is best?

Choosing the best budget router depends on your needs. If you want to stream video, you need a faster router. If you want to connect multiple devices, then look for one with more ports. And if gaming is on the agenda, then look for one with good wireless range and low ping times (the time it takes for data packets sent from one computer …

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