Cyber Security Demystified On A Budget

Cyber Security Demystified On A Budget

Cyber security is a big deal. If you’re not taking the threat seriously, you’re likely to be one of the many companies who’ve fallen victim to a cyber attack. Companies spend millions each year on cyber security, but there are ways that small businesses can protect themselves without spending a lot of money. In this article, we’ll explore some basic principles for protecting your computer as well as ideas for encrypting data and protecting your network from common threats.

The Basics

The Basics

What is cyber security? It’s the act of securing your company’s data and information from hackers, spies, and other cyber threats.

It sounds like an intimidating task–and it is! But you don’t have to be a computer whiz or hire a team of security experts to get started on this journey. Here are some basic principles that will help you get started:

  • Cyber security isn’t just about
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