Securityhas become the norm and an essential requirement for both homes and businesses.The issue becomes even more pressing for commercial buildings and operations asthey tend to have and house more people than the average home. This means thatthose in charge of maintaining a safe and secure environment be very aware ofall potential dangers and threats at all times. This spans the range of needingsecurity systems of all types and designs.
There is something to be said about proactive security such as access control,perimeter security protocols and other methods that manage and monitor securitybefore things become an issue. This is the equivalent of using anti-virussoftware on a computer; however, even the best of systems cannot alwaysalleviate and negate all incidences. One such issue that has drawn the world’sattention is that of active shooters. The abundance of news worthy shootingincidents has taken the public by storm and has caused people to seek …
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