Social Network Analysis Of Organizational Communication

Social Network Analysis Of Organizational Communication

Part 1, I and my colleague have spent a considerable amount of time discussing how the Business Professional can effectively use social network communications. During our discussions and research for new ideas, we came across a number of basic concepts and ENPS ( selected tools ). We believe that these concepts and tools can help improve the implementation of an effective business system as well as internal communications. We recently presented our findings at a state-wide safety conference and provided insights on what we found.

As an example of what may be encountered, you develop a site-specific and well-designed Management System (in Safety, Productivity, Human Resources, Quality, etc.) only to find that your efforts have stalled, been diluted in a short period of time, or during program reviews, or an audit uncovers pockets of resistance in the system. You then increase your efforts and try to enhance your effectiveness and …

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