VoIP, or voice over internet protocol, is a form of packet-switching technology that allows voice to be transmitted over the Internet. It uses a variety of protocols, including RTP and AES, as well as SHA-1 for integrity. You can also use VoIP to transfer your existing phone service to another provider.
VoIP is a form of packet-switching
VoIP is a packet-switching system that uses the Internet to send information between computers. This allows users to talk with each other without the need for a landline. The Internet’s end-to-end principle means that all computers involved in the process of sending and receiving data must work within the same set of protocols. This is particularly important in VoIP because VoIP calls can be affected by problems with the network.
VoIP works by converting analog voice signals into digital data packets and delivering them over the Internet. This enables two-way real-time communication. VoIP …
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